Cost-Effective Healthy Fathering
Although dads from various walks of life and income brackets want to promote their children’s health and fitness, some dads are in a much better financial situation to make this happen. Many dads struggle to provide quality health care, purchase healthy foods, secure a property with lots of outside play space nearby, or pay the fees for youth recreational sports and equipment. We present concrete ideas about how dads, on any limited family income, can foster healthy habits with their kids.
Family Education
This resource describes eight ways that families can exercise together and pursue more healthy lifestyles collectively. These include:
1. Hula Hooping
2. Jumping Rope
3. Skating and Scooting
4. Dancing
5. Playing Frisbee
6. Walking or Hiking
7. Playing on the Playground
8. Playing Outdoor Games such as “Tag”
This resource describes eight ways that families can exercise together and pursue more healthy lifestyles collectively. These include:
1. Hula Hooping
2. Jumping Rope
3. Skating and Scooting
4. Dancing
5. Playing Frisbee
6. Walking or Hiking
7. Playing on the Playground
8. Playing Outdoor Games such as “Tag”
In my interviews with fathers and men who work with kids in the community, I've often been reminded that many men, irrespective of social class, are committed to helping kids develop a healthy lifestyle. Several concrete steps fathers on limited incomes can take include:
1. Participate in a local Boys' or Girls' Club, especially if your own children can be involved as a perk.
2. Volunteer to be a coach for your child's sports teams and develop relationships with your players' parents. Cultivating those relationships may generate unforeseen low-cost opportunities to provide your child with health- and fitness-related resources.
3. Walk, run, or bike with your child in safe areas to help improve cardiovascular fitness and instill healthy exercise habits.
1. Participate in a local Boys' or Girls' Club, especially if your own children can be involved as a perk.
2. Volunteer to be a coach for your child's sports teams and develop relationships with your players' parents. Cultivating those relationships may generate unforeseen low-cost opportunities to provide your child with health- and fitness-related resources.
3. Walk, run, or bike with your child in safe areas to help improve cardiovascular fitness and instill healthy exercise habits.
The National Institutes of Health
Low-income neighborhoods are 4.5 times more likely to not have facilities than high-income areas. So, fathers with a low-income may need to be creative if they want to facilitate exercise in their own lives and in their children’s. This can be done by going to the nearest space appropriate for exercise (whether that’s a park or simply a grassy area) and finding ways to get the family moving.
Low-income neighborhoods are 4.5 times more likely to not have facilities than high-income areas. So, fathers with a low-income may need to be creative if they want to facilitate exercise in their own lives and in their children’s. This can be done by going to the nearest space appropriate for exercise (whether that’s a park or simply a grassy area) and finding ways to get the family moving. Playground Workouts’s blog provides a useful source of health and fitness information suitable for adults of all fitness levels. In this blogpost, the author outlines a simple and effective workout, as well as a variety of individual exercises, that parents can do with their children, or while watching their children play at the park. Working out as a parent-child team can be fun for the whole family, helpful in creating a fitness-based bond between parent and child, and crucial in teaching a child that being fit is fun.’s blog provides a useful source of health and fitness information suitable for adults of all fitness levels. In this blogpost, the author outlines a simple and effective workout, as well as a variety of individual exercises, that parents can do with their children, or while watching their children play at the park. Working out as a parent-child team can be fun for the whole family, helpful in creating a fitness-based bond between parent and child, and crucial in teaching a child that being fit is fun.'s "Gardening For Health and Wellness"’s blog offers a great resource for health and fitness information that can appeal to adults of all fitness levels. In this blogpost, the author outlines the many benefits— both physical and spiritual — of gardening. Gardening with children can be an educational and fun bonding activity. Time spent in this fashion can teach children values related to quality time spent outdoors and healthy eating. Gardening can also be cost-effective, as growing one's own produce can be less expensive than buying produce from a store.’s blog offers a great resource for health and fitness information that can appeal to adults of all fitness levels. In this blogpost, the author outlines the many benefits— both physical and spiritual — of gardening. Gardening with children can be an educational and fun bonding activity. Time spent in this fashion can teach children values related to quality time spent outdoors and healthy eating. Gardening can also be cost-effective, as growing one's own produce can be less expensive than buying produce from a store.